Pioneer in Polyamines Filming Technology
Free of Phosphate

Origin of the products
Based on long term R&D, HELAMIN® has been developed and produced to withstand high temperature and pressure applications. Today HELAMIN® is used for steam boilers with operating pressure of 220 bar and steam temperature up to 600 °C.
HELAMIN® is a composition of ingredients to provide protection and passivation of all ferrous and non ferrous metal surfaces by least degradation through the various phases: feed water, steam & condensate. HELAMIN® is forming a mono-molecular, continuous and hydrophobic protective film on all exposed metal surfaces.
The main advantages of HELAMIN® are:
- Single pack, multi component mixture of surface active alkyl amines and if requested dispersant.
- Environment compatible water treatment technology (HELAMIN® contains no Hydrazine and Phosphates).
- Economical, only a very small excess is sufficient to protect the whole plant.
- Ease of application, in most of the cases only one dosing point is necessary.
- Stability, HELAMIN® is thermally stable up to 600 °C and 220 bar.